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Inflight science : a guide to the world from your airplane window

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The perfect companion to any flight a guide to the science on view from your window seat. There are few times when science is so immediate as when you're in a plane. Your life is in the hands of the scientists and engineers who enable tons of metal and plastic to hurtle through the sky at hundreds of miles an hour. Inflight Science shows how you stay alive up there but that's only the beginning.Brian Clegg explains the ever changing view, whether it's crop circles or clouds, mountains or river deltas, and describes simple experiments to show how a wing provides lift, or what happens if you try to open a door in midair (don't!). On a plane you'll experience the impact of relativity, the power of natural radiation and the effect of altitude on the boiling point of tea. Among the many things you'll learn is why the sky is blue, the cause of thunderstorms and the impact of volcanic ash in an enjoyable tour of mid-air science. Every moment of your journey is an opportunity to experience science in action:Inflight Science will be your guide.

Science writer Brian Clegg studied physics at Cambridge and specializes in making the strangest aspects of the universe accessible to the general reader. He is editor of and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, London.He is editor of and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. His previous books from Icon includeInflight Science, The Universe Inside You, Dice World, The Quantum Age andIntroducing Infinity: A Graphic Guide. He is also the author of, from St Martin’s Press,The God Effect (2009), Gravity (2012) and How to Build a Time Machine (2013). Clegg lives in Swindon, U.K.

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