Ever since Howard Carter uncovered King Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922, the young pharaoh has become a symbol of the wealth and mystery of ancient Egypt. Now, a two-and-a-half-year-long museum exhibit of Tut’s treasures is touring major cities in the U.S., drawing record crowds. This Who Was . . . ? is complete with 100 black-and-white illustrations and explains the life and times of this ancient Egyptian ruler, covering the story of the tomb’s discovery, as well as myths and so-called mummy curses.
圖坦卡門國王的陵墓在西元1922年的時候被學者Howard Carter尋獲,神秘的古埃及面紗也就此掀開。這位早逝的法老王成為了古埃及奢華與傳奇的象徵。如今,陵墓中的陪葬品以及圖坦卡門國王的木乃伊在美國各處的博物館巡迴展覽,吸引成千上萬的遊人前往參觀,一探埃及法老王的秘密。
Who was King Tut? 詳細紀錄了圖坦卡門的生平與奇聞,包括了嚇人的木乃伊詛咒,想知道更多,千萬別錯過本書喔!