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A bad case of stripes

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有個女孩Camilla 他喜歡一種叫lima(利馬)的豆子,但她所有她的朋友都不喜歡吃利馬豆,為了迎合朋友,她從來沒吃過。  當她開學的第一天正要換衣服到學校, Camilla 看到鏡子裡的自己從頭到腳趾佈滿了彩色的條紋,讓她看起來像彩虹。  當Camilla到了學校,大家毫不留情地嘲笑她。   Camilla盡量讓自己看起來正常,但每當有人惡作劇地唸了一種顏色或形狀, 她就會馬上改變,如同霓虹燈一般,讓Camilla覺得很受傷。  她的父母尋遍了名醫,但沒有一個人能夠治癒這個怪病,而且情況越來越糟。  有一天,來了一個老婆婆,她拿了幾顆利馬豆給Camilla吃…說也奇怪,Camilla 身上的條紋不見了。  從此以後,Camilla再也毫無顧忌地吃她想吃的利馬豆,條紋也從此消聲匿跡…  原來,學會做自己最重要!
Let Scholastic Bookshelf be your guide through the whole range of your child''s experiences-laugh with them, learn with them, read with them Eight classic, best-selling titles are available now Category: Making Friends"What we have here is a bad case of stripes. One of the worst I''ve ever seen " Camilla Cream loves lima beans, but she never eats them. Why? Because the other kids in her school don''t like them. And Camilla Cream is very, very worried about what other people think of her. In fact, she''s so worried that she''s about to break out in...a bad case of stripes "Shannon''s story is a good poke in the eye of conformity...and his empathetic, vivid artwork keeps perfect pace with the tale."-Kirkus Reviews, starred review

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