Clover is way too rigid and often plays it safe. She must learn to be more flexible and spontaneous and take more risks.Clover's Wishworld mission involved a girl who is an only child whose parents completely baby her. Clover tries some very subtle, safe maneuvers to prove that the girl is ready for some independence, but needs to make a bold move to help the girl's parents realize their little girl isn't a toddler anymore.
Shane Muldoon Zappa is a jewelry designer and writer who was born and raised in Los Angeles. She has an endless imagination and a passion to inspire positivity through her many artistic endeavors. She and her husband, Ahmet Zappa, collaborated on Star Darlings just in time for their magical little girl and biggest inspiration, Halo Violetta Zappa. Ahmet Zappa is a New York Times best-selling author of Because I'm Your Dad and The Monstrous Memoirs of a Mighty McFearless. He writes and produces films and television, and loves pancakes and unicorns and making funny faces for Halo and Shana.