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Carve the mark

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暢銷3千5百萬冊《分歧者》Divergent 作者薇若妮卡.羅斯 全新科幻史詩力作

  紐約時報、美國娛樂周刊、英國衛報、今日美國、出版人週刊、Epic Reads、美國最大連鎖巴諾書店、英國水石書店、知知名書評網站Bookstacked、電影資訊網站Sensacine、文學評論專站YA interrobang、英國雜誌The Bookseller、全球知名書評網站Vowelor、美國綠灣日報、新聞網站The Big Story、新聞網站The Tennessean、娛樂雜誌chocochata、新聞網站Lancaster Eagle-Gazette、新聞網站Daily Record

  ◆ 美國首刷超過200萬冊!
  ◆ 壯闊的架空世界,融合科幻、奇幻與神祕元素
  ◆ 大至宇宙觀、小至角色,徹底跳脫讀者的既有認知
  ◆ 薇若妮卡.羅斯(Veronica Roth)醞釀十年以上,打造出史詩級驚人鉅作












Globally bestselling Divergent author Veronica Roth delivers a breathtaking fantasy featuring an unusual friendship, an epic love story, and a galaxy-sweeping adventure.

#1 New York Times bestseller * Wall Street Journal bestseller * USA Today bestseller * #1 IndieBound bestseller
Praise for Carve the Mark:
"Roth skillfully weaves the careful world-building and intricate web of characters that distinguished Divergent." --VOYA (starred review)
"Roth offers a richly imagined, often brutal world of political intrigue and adventure, with a slow-burning romance at its core." --ALA Booklist
Cyra Noavek and Akos Kereseth have grown up in enemy countries locked in a long-standing fight for dominance over their shared planet. When Akos and his brother are kidnapped by the ruling Noavek family, Akos is forced to serve Cyra, the sister of a dictator who governs with violence and fear. Cyra is known for her deadly power of transferring extraordinary pain unto others with simple touch, and her tyrant brother uses her as a weapon against those who challenge him. But as Akos fights for his own survival, he recognizes that Cyra is also fighting for hers, and that her true gift--resilience--might be what saves them both.
When Akos and Cyra are caught in the middle of a raging rebellion, everything they've been led to believe about their world and themselves must be called into question. But fighting for what's right might mean betraying their countries, their families, and each other.
When the time comes, will they choose loyalty or love?

And don't miss The Fates Divide, Veronica Roth's powerful follow-up novel

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