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Mason Dixon 3 : basketball disasters

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Here's the third entry in Claudia Mills' charming middle-grade series. Mason Dixon survived the school choir. He survived adopting his now-beloved dog named, uh, Dog. But now he faces his biggest challenge yet: joining the local basketball team. Not by choice, of course. Not only do his parents encourage it, but his dad even volunteers to be his coach. Now, with his best pal Brody and a team of misfits even worse at basketball than him (if that's possible), Mason must try to rally to beat his arch-rival, the school bully Dunk. Just another day-in-the-life of a disaster-prone fourth grader.

CLAUDIA MILLS is the author of over 40 books for young readers. She is terrible at all sports, especially basketball, as she is not tall, not very coordinated, and has no hustle. So instead she curls up with her cat, Snickers, on her couch at home in Boulder, Colorado, drinking hot chocolate and writing. Visit Claudia at

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