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50 things you should know about the Second World War

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50 Things You Should Know About the Second World War is the second instalment and follows the successful title on the First World War. Discover what caused the war and why it eventually affected every corner of the globe. The key battles, events and figures are all explored and recounted in succinct and easy-to understand text while illustrations and photographs bring the past vividly back to life.

Simon Adams is a writer and editor of children's non-fiction and reference books. He specializes in history, politics and current affairs and has written extensively on exploration, music and the arts. Simon has also contributed to family and adult reference books and has been an editorial consultant on various history and other titles. Simon was born in England and studied history and politics at the London School of Economics and Bristol University, where he gained an MSc. He entered publishing as a publicity copywriter at Routledge and subsequently joined Dorling Kindersley, eventually becoming managing editor of the children's division. He became a full-time writer 15 years ago. Since then, he has written and contributed to more than 60 books for a wide range of publishers.

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