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◎ 【埃及守護神】系列第二集,故事進入重要高潮! 眾多讀者期待的萊爾頓【埃及守護神】系列,第二集再度滿足了讀者體內的「奇幻癮子」!本集延續《紅色金字塔》的冒險故事,同樣結合了奇幻、親情等刺激又感人的元素,帶領讀者進入埃及魔法師的世界。
◎ 埃及諸神與魔法師加入新血→「想像力」再次大發揮 本集中更加入了新的埃及神與魔法師角色,例如太陽神拉、侏儒神貝斯、河馬女神托爾特等等,在在讓人讚歎作者的博學與豐富想像。為了尋回最老的太陽神,凱恩兄妹與新的布魯克林之家成員,有了更多、更危險的冒險。除了讓讀者看到埃及神話與訪遍文明古地,幽默詼諧的敘述,往往讓人在輕鬆的閱讀間有了許多領悟與收穫。
◎ 帶領讀者進入神祕玄妙的埃及世界。 如果說【波西傑克森】是幫助讀者認識希臘神話的最佳捷徑,那麼無論你是否熟悉埃及的神話故事,【埃及守護神】絕對是幫助你了解埃及古文明與神話信仰的最佳開端。
◎ 不可錯過的合作冒險故事 「團結」與「合作」是整系列中一再強調的主題。在任何危機處理的關鍵,作者皆不斷打破一般冒險小說單一英雄主角的歷險模式,將「團隊」與「合作」的重要概念融進故事中。
◎ 世界觀的視野拓展→「地球村」的文明之旅 凱恩兄妹藉由古埃及的魔法神力,得以進出各國。整個系列的冒險場域將拓展到世界各地。故事中還以各種古埃及象徵文物做為進出通道,在閱讀故事後,儼然也完成了一場文明巡禮。
埃及眾神遊走凡間,混沌勢力趁亂崛起, 此時,誰來維持瑪特的平衡?
Ever since the gods of Ancient Egypt were unleashed in the modern world, Carter Kane and his sister, Sadie, have been in trouble. As descendants of the House of Life, the Kanes have some powers at their command; but the devious gods haven't given them time to master their skills at Brooklyn House, a training ground for young magicians. And now their most threatening enemy yet--the Chaos snake, Apophis--is rising. If they don't prevent him from breaking free in a few days' time, the world will end. In other words, it's a typical week for the Kane family. To have any chance of battling the forces of Chaos, the Kanes must revive the sun god, Ra. But that would be a feat more difficult than any magician has ever accomplished. First they have to search the world for the Book of Ra, then they have to learn how to chant its spells. Oh, and did we mention that no one knows where Ra is, exactly? Narrated by two different wisecracking voices, featuring a large cast of new and unforgettable characters, and with adventures spanning the globe, this second installment of the Kane Chronicles is nothing short of a thrill ride.
雷克.萊爾頓 (Rick Riordan)
Rick Riordan (www.rickriordan.com) is the author of three different mythology-based series for Disney-Hyperion: the best-selling Percy Jackson series, the Kane Chronicles, and The Heroes of Olympus series. The first book in the Kane Chronicles, The Red Pyramid, was a number 1 New York Times bestseller. The five books in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series have sold millions of copies, been published in more than thirty countries, and inspired a major motion picture. Rick’s novels for adults include the hugely popular Tres Navarre series, winner of the top three awards in the mystery genre. He lives in San Antonio, Texas, with his wife and two sons.