歡迎光臨,來到最神秘的祕密花園,我們即將踏上探索世界最壯麗的五大棲息地之旅。旅途中,你將會見到超乎你想像的生物和史詩般壯闊的風景,讓我們長途跋涉穿過亞馬遜雨林(Amazon Rainforest) 冒險、拜訪橫跨墨西哥和美國的奇瓦瓦沙漠 (Chihuahuan Desert) 、再飛到澳洲東北海岸的大堡礁 (Great Barrier Reef) 浮潛、再深入到德國最大的黑森林 (Black Forest) 做森林浴、最後落腳於-- 有世界屋頂之美名的喜馬拉雅山 (Himalayan Mountains),然後呢,醉倒在這片最純粹、最原始的荒野裡。(文/博客來編譯)
Open the gates of the Wonder Garden to explore five of Earth's most extraordinary habitats, each filled with incredible creatures and epic scenery. Trek through the Amazon Rainforest, travel to the Chihuahuan Desert, dive in the Great Barrier Reef, delve deep into the Black Forest and stand on the roof of the world – the Himalayan Mountains – to see nature at its wildest. Breathtaking, engraved illustrations bring to life Earth's spectacular Wonder Garden.
Icelandic born artist KRISTJANA S WILLIAMS studied graphic design and illustration at Central St Martins and quickly gained critical acclaim as Creative Director of Beyond the Valley for 8 years. Williams' work has become well known throughout the industry, 2013 saw the studio Highly Commended for ‘Best Use of Colour' at the Dulux Colour Awards. Kristjana has won a D&AD award, a New York Festivals Grand Prix & First Prize and been shortlisted for the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity.
Author JENNY BROOM studied at the Slade before becoming a writer and editor of children's books. Her natural history title Animalium was awarded Children's Book of the Year by the Sunday Times, and shortlisted for the National Book Awards and Blue Peter Award. She lives and works in London.