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Now we have a baby

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PreS. For the very youngest comes a book that is straightforward, simple, and sweet. The round-faced boy holding his infant sibling on the cover is the one learning about what a baby in the house means. The text states the new situation with clarity: "Babies need to sleep a lot. You sometimes have to be quiet . . ." The pastel pictures personalize and expand the thought as the boy looks disconsolately at his drum while the baby sleeps in the background. "Everybody seems to love the baby," is shown to be true as baby is being cuddled and the boy slips away. However, the real message comes near the end of the book: "But all tiny babies are little persons who need people to love them. Love helps them learn about smiling and talking . . . about helping and playing . . . caring and sharing. Rock makes it clear that love is what binds the new family together, a message that will resonate even with the toddler crowd. Ilene CooperCopyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

--This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

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