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Pinky and Rex and the bully

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Pinky's favorite color is pink, and his best friend, Rex, is a girl. Kevin, the third-grade bully, says that makes Pinky a sissy. Deep down, Pinky thinks Kevin is wrong, but he's still worried. Does Pinky have to give up his favorite things, and worse, does he have to give up his best friend?

James Howe JAMES HOWE began his writing career with Bunnicula, which was published in 1979. This book and the next, Teddy Bear's Scrapbook, were coauthored with his late wife, Deborah. Bunnicula went on to receive numerous awards as a favorite among children in the United States and Canada. It was also made into a popular television special. In 1982 and 1983, two sequels to Bunnicula, Howliday Inn and The Celery Stalks at Midnight, appeared. Howe is also the author of The Hospital Book, A Night Without Stars, Morgan's Zoo, What Eric Knew, and Stage Fright.

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