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Nate the Great 8 : Nate the Great and the fishy prize

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在這一集中,Rosamond為寵物大賽所準備的獎品不見了,Natethe Great 能及時找到嗎?那又會是一份多麼特殊的獎品呢?看看他是如何解開謎題的,這又是怎麼一回事呢。這一系列的偵探故事,都是在描寫Nate the Great 跟他的狗Sludge如何幫他的朋友們,解開日常生活碰到的難題。相當的生活化,故事內容雖比不上福爾摩斯或是科南來得複雜難解,但是其用字不難,書中的案件也都是生活中常見的小事,對於充滿好奇心,而剛開始試著閱讀小說的兒童來說,是相當好的讀物。適合7歲以上或是已學習英文三至四年的兒童閱讀。

Born in Portland, Maine, in 1928, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat dreamed of becoming a writer. Little did she know that she would be the author of more than 130 books for children of all ages, which?have been translated into 17 languages. Another of her childhood dreams, that of becoming a detective, has also been realized in her most popular Nate the Great series, begun in 1972. Many of Sharmat's books have been Literary Guild selections and chosen as Books of the Year by the Library of Congress. Several have been made into films for television, including Nate the Great Goes Undercover, winner of the Los Angeles International Children's Film Festival Award. Nate the Great Saves the King of Sweden has been named one of the New York Public Library's 100 Titles for Reading and Sharing. Her She lives with her husband in Tuscon, Arizona.Marc Simont (1915–2013) illustrated nearly a hundred books, among them James Thurber’s The 13 Clocks and a 1990 edition of Thurber’s Many Moons. He worked with such authors as Marjorie Weinman Sharmat (on the Nate the Great series) and Margaret Wise Brown and won both a Caldecott Honor and a Caldecott Medal for his illustrations of children’s books.

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