#1 New York Times bestseller John Grisham's next Theo Boone novel, now in paperback!When we last saw Theo Boone, he ensured that justice was served by uncovering evidence that kept a guilty man off of the streets. Hot off this high-profile murder trial, thirteen-year-old Theo is still dispensing legal advice to friends and teachers. But just when it seems as if his life has calmed down and gone back to the status quo, a new legal mystery comes to town, and this time it's personal.謀殺案有了重大轉折之際,西奧律師的好友居然莫名消失。這次,西奧決定不顧一切找出真相!十三歲的西奧.布恩,無意間涉入了一宗謀殺案的審判過程。就在審判起了重大變化沒多久,他最好的朋友愛波竟突然失蹤。午夜時分,愛波就在自己的臥室中消失,沒有人知道她去了哪裡,就連才剛與他聯絡過的西奧都毫無頭緒。警方傾向由綁架案來著手調查,剛潛逃至鎮上的越獄犯顯然嫌疑最大,而他剛好也是愛波的表親。整個小鎮與校園又因這起案件人心惶惶。焦急又憂心的西奧,能不能運用他的機智救出愛波?
John Grisham is the author of twenty-one novels, one work of nonfiction, and one collection of stories. His works are translated into thirty-eight languages. He lives in Virginia and Mississippi.