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Fun home : a family tragicomic

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A fresh and brilliantly told memoir from a cult favorite comic artist, marked by gothic twists, a family funeral home, sexual angst, and great books.

This breakout book by Alison Bechdel is a darkly funny family tale, pitch-perfectly illustrated with Bechdel's sweetly gothic drawings. Like Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis, it's a story exhilaratingly suited to graphic memoir form.

Meet Alison's father, a historic preservation expert and obsessive restorer of the family's Victorian home, a third-generation funeral home director, a high school English teacher, an icily distant parent, and a closeted homosexual who, as it turns out, is involved with his male students and a family babysitter. Through narrative that is alternately heartbreaking and fiercely funny, we are drawn into a daughter's complex yearning for her father. And yet, apart from assigned stints dusting caskets at the family-owned "fun home," as Alison and her brothers call it, the relationship achieves its most intimate expression through the shared code of books. When Alison comes out as homosexual herself in late adolescense, the denouement is swift, graphic -- and redemptive.


艾利森.貝克德爾Alison Bechde
從十歲開始寫日記,細心記錄生活點滴。一九八三年起,她開始記錄幾人的生活,以虛構的形式反映在《Dykes to Watch Out For》的漫畫,被《Ms.》雜誌譽為「漫畫界超群之作,酌無庸議。」 該漫畫刊載於五十家另類報紙上,已譯成多國語言,也收錄於一系列的書中,至今印製超過二十五萬本。其作品有四本已榮獲浪達(Lambda)文學大賞的幽默獎,而《The Indelible Alison Bechdel》更在浪達文學大賞的傳記/自傳項目拔得頭籌。《Utne》雜誌將《Dykes to Watch Out For》推崇為「二十世紀最成功作品之一。」

ALISON BECHDEL has been a careful archivist of her own life and kept a journal since she was ten. Since 1983 she has been chronicling the lives of various characters in the fictionalized "Dykes to Watch Out For" strip, "one of the preeminent oeuvres in the comics genre, period" (Ms.). The strip is syndicated in 50 alternative newspapers, translated into multiple languages, and collected into a book series with a quarter of a million copies in print. Utne magazine has listed DTWOF as "one of the greatest hits of the twentieth century."

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