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The crocodile who didn't like water

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照理說鱷魚應該都很愛玩水才對,但是就有一隻小鱷魚,天生不喜歡碰水,反而愛爬樹。每天,牠羨慕地看著兄弟姊妹們打水仗、參加游泳隊,自己卻總是一個人坐 在岸邊。為了能加入其他孩子們的行列,牠決定把牙齒仙子給牠的獎勵拿去買個游泳圈,但是幫助並不大…就在牠沮喪的時候,忽然鼻子一陣癢:「哈啾!」牠居然 噴出了一團火球!這下子真相大白了,原來小鱷魚其實是小噴火龍!【文∕博客來外文館】

  Everybody knows that crocodiles love water, but this little crocodile is different. He doesn't like water at all. In fact, he prefers climbing trees! But it can be lonely when you're the odd one out, so the little crocodile tries his best to change. But being wet isn't for everyone - and a shiver soon becomes a cold and the cold becomes a sneeze, a very hot sneeze...Could it be that this little crocodile isn't a crocodile at all? He might just be a DRAGON! A funny, unique and uplifting story from a debut author-illustrator.

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