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Mog and the baby

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"Are you sure my baby will be all right with your cat?" Mrs Clutterbuck askes anxiously as she leaves her son with the Thomas family. Oh yes, Mog loves babies, Mrs. Mog assures her. However, Mog sits hunched up in a corner and glowers.

"Are you sure my baby will be all right with your cat?" Mrs Clutterbuck askes anxiously as she leaves her son with the Thomas family. Oh yes, Mog loves babies, Mrs. Mog assures her. However, Mog sits hunched up in a corner and glowers. Judith Kerr escaped to England with her family in 1936, after fleeing Hitler’s Germany. During the War she worked for the Red Cross before winning a scholarship to the Central School of Art and Crafts in 1945. She worked as an artist and as a BBC television scriptwriter, before becoming one of the best-loved children’s authors of the twentieth century. Judith Kerr has written three novels about her childhood, including ‘When Hilter Stole Pink Rabbit’, and many picture books.

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