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Harry Potter (5) : Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

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一個酷熱的暑假夜晚,催狂魔竟然出現攻擊達力和哈利,情急之下,哈利不得不打破未成年巫師使用魔法的限制規定,發出護法咒擊退了催狂魔,但卻也因此面臨被學校開除的危機…。另一方面,與魔法部分道揚鑣的鄧不利多,決定重新啟動多年前為對抗佛地魔所成立的地下組織──鳳凰會,秘密的進行多項任務……  正當霍格華茲所有五年級學生都在參加最重要的『普等巫測』時,哈利卻恍恍惚惚的進入了詭譎的夢境。突然之間,哈利從桌上跌落地面,醒了過來,卻仍舊不停的叫喊著!他的傷疤著火了,在他四週,整個大廳也跟著爆發混亂…。就在這一片紛紛擾擾之際,鄧不利多被解除了校長職務,連麥教授和海格也走了,取而代之的是魔法部的勢力箝制。難道,分類帽的預言真的來臨了?
The most eagerly anticipated book in history becomes the biggest paperback release of 2004 The book that took the world by storm.... In his fifth year at Hogwart''s, Harry faces challenges at every turn, from the dark threat of He-Who-Must-Not-Be- Named and the unreliability of the government of the magical world to the rise of Ron Weasley as the keeper of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. Along the way he learns about the strength of his friends, the fierceness of his enemies, and the meaning of sacrifice.
